Thank you for donating to the United Way. Your contribution is very much appreciated.
Prairieland United Way is committed to protecting the privacy of donors. Prairieland United Way does not sell, trade or rent personal information about donors with third-party organizations. All payments are non-refundable.
Safeguards – Office policies are in place to safeguard donor information, including: physical measures such as locked filing cabinets and restricted access to offices, organizational measure such as security clearances and limiting access on a “need to know” basis and technological measures, such as the use of passwords and encryption.
Individual records are kept only as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected and to comply with applicable laws.
Gifts by Mail
More comfortable sending a check?
Please mail to: Prairieland United Way, 200 West Douglas, Jacksonville, IL 62650
Questions? Write us at
Thank you for considering a gift to Prairieland United Way
Advocate! Talk to your friends about United Way. Tell them that our area United Way serves four counties — Morgan, Scott, Cass and Greene — and reaches more than 30,000 people. Ask them to take a look at us at to learn more about the types of services we fund and the people we help.
To lend support or skills to any of the agencies supported by Prairieland United Way, see the list of contacts at Agency contacts
Here are specific volunteer projects for United Way agencies for 2024-25:
Need handicap ramps constructed. Have materials, need labor to construct
Part time receptionist to answer phones, open Monday-Thursday 8 to 5, mostly need afternoon help
Girls Scouts
Troop leaders needed. 18 years and older, can be male but would need a female assistant. Meet as little as twice a month to weekly
Midwest Youth Services
Ann Baker 217-245-6000
Adult mentors for high school-age teens to partner with working on community service projects
On-call workers needed (bachelor’s degree required)
Prairie Council on Aging (PCOA)
Nancy Thorsen 217-479-4619
Home deliver meals for Bread of Love Nutrition program – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Pickup food at Turner High Rise between 10:30 and 11 a.m., delivery in 40 minutes to an hour and return to Turner. Three routes/four days a week in Jacksonville city limits that need to be delivered. Looking for help with one or all routes on any or all of the days.
Hobby Horse House
Brittany Westlake 217-243-7708
Fundraiser event to be held in March, looking for help with running activities at the event
Boy Scouts
Jeff Whitton 217-529-2727
Help with creating and planning fundraiser events
Prairie Center Against Sexual Assault
Amy Joy 217-243-7330
Hotline help, requires 40 hours of training. Other help is needed to man booth at local fairs/events
Red Cross
Dawn Morris 217-787-7602
Disaster action team to assist in event of disasters
Crisis Center Foundation
Dona Leanard 217-243-4357
Bushes (some large) removed, dug out so they won’t grow back
Clean up debris and haul off
Clean out large storage shed – this will have to be in warmer weather
Power wash fence – warmer weather
Presbyterian Church
Kathy Fellhauer 217-243-3558
Rooms that need painting (paint supplied by church)
Help planning and organizing fundraising activities